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Setting your space up to connect with God

Be intentional about creating a space that will facilitate your dedicated time with God. Take advantage of your location, both indoors and out. You may not be able to have your ideal space, but you can make the most of the space God has given you.


Design a space for silence and solitude. Find a place that is quiet and free from distractions. Ideally this space has a door you can close to get out of the line of sight of others and be totally free with him, a place where you can weep, kneel, or dance. Let your family or those you live with know about your space and your desire to have uninterrupted time there. Would a do not disturb sign or designated times of day help? If you would like to read more about silence and solitude, check out Richard Foster's chapter on solitude from his classic book, Celebration of Discipline.


Set up your setting. Would you like to sit beside a window to enjoy nature? (Or would that reduce your sense of privacy?) You may also want to have back up places in mind. Do you have an outside option or an indoor porch? These can make wonderful places to meet with Jesus, especially if they are a private space. You may consider using outdoor locations from time to time such as walking trails, ponds, lakes, the ocean, or mountains. Jesus often went to solitary places to pray.


  • What about twinkly lights? You might like to arrange string lights in your prayer space, as you appreciate the joy and festivity of God in your life. As the stars celebrate the glory of God each night, your lights celebrate the glory of God with you.

  • Maybe a “Jesus candle”? Jesus is always with us. Sometimes we may not be aware of his presence. One option is to place candle somewhere that can remind you that he is with you. This can be helpful in your prayer space. You might also enjoy one in spaces that are not for your private Jesus times, perhaps near where you are working during the day, at the table during meal times, or even in the bathroom while you shower. When our family blows ours out, we like to say, “Thank you, Jesus!” 

  • Consider supplies that might be helpful. What will make your space more useful to you? Colored pencils, markers, nice pens, Post-its, tape, hole punch, laminator, shredder, or massage tools? This can be an ongoing process, adding things as they suit you. Start with the things that make sense to you right away, maybe a journal, some pens you like, and a Bible.

Image by Randy Fath


My ideal space would be an outdoor cabana that has the option of semi-sheer curtains or tinted glass walls that can be closed for privacy. Inside I would have conversation area seating, a small fire place, a mini fridge, patio lights, and a little water fall where you could sit and put your feet into the pooling water. Outside I would love a view of the mountains or the beach or both. In addition to my prayer spot, this would also serve as a casual, intimate place to connect and pray with friends for a coffee, light lunch or evening appetizers. There would be ample side tables beside each seat to allow people visiting us to put their drinks, Bibles and journals down. Sounds heavenly, doesn’t it?



I live in a town home (no space on our lawn for a cabana). So I have carved out a little place in our bedroom beside my window with a big comfy chair – big enough to sleep with God in. I have two artificial plants that are strung with multi-color twinkly lights. I face a book shelf that houses many of my favorites and beside me is another little shelf that holds a great collection of current journals, extra paper, and an amazing selection of pens. When we recently had our windows replaced I had them install half screens instead of full so that when I sit down with God, especially in the morning or evening, I can push up both the sash and the screen and be right in the open air (except in mosquito and bumble bee season). It is most amazing to do this when it snows.

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