At this point in my life, the daily spiritual practice that I would most highly recommend is The Prayer of Recollection, but there are so many more wonderful practices to help you allow God to transform your life so that you are living your life as Jesus would if he were living it. You may find that you would like to use other practices either instead of or in addition to Prayer of Recollection. Below is a list of practices. There are lots of ways you can use them. You will find practices for:
Click here to see an index of all the practices in the sections above.
These meditative prayers help you give your distractions, worries, and burdens to God, opening your heart to make space for his transformation
Get ready!

Use this meditation practice on its own or before another practice

Where are you in this moment?

What do you want?  What does he want for you?

Release burdens and receive God

Incorporate mental distractions into this prayer practice

Your crisis is your gift

Practices for resting or falling asleep with God

Prayerful and planful approaches that give space for the scripture to transform us
Jesus is within you
(Highly recommended!)

Teaching ~ Adoration ~ Confession ~ Supplication

Nourishing your soul as you nourish your body
God speaks through the scripture

Taking in his word - Giving him your load

Using scripture to lead transformation from within

Talking things over with him

Digging into transformation

Concrete planning to put his changes into action

Be drawn into worship by the many names for God in scripture

Guiding you through experiences of self-examination, confession, repentance and receiving forgiveness
Reviewing your day for regeneration

Taking an honest look at your life

Soaking in his love

Trusting him throughout the day

Dealing with stressful situations

Examining beliefs that cause you pain

Getting at the true root of a problem

Renewing your mind

Letting go of self blame

Replacing shame based thoughts

Receiving his cleansing

Experience more worship in your life, bringing in more God and more goodness!
Engaging your body as you engage your heart

Praising him with your whole self

Using creativity to worship him

Appreciating the changes he is making in you