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Release burdens and receive God

  • Close your eyes to find your own space with God. He was here before you got here, waiting for this moment. He was with you as you got ready. He is around you and within you now.

  • As settle into your space, release each wonderful person in your life from your mind. Like a dandelion blown to the wind (or a beautiful, unique snowflake or a fall leaf), let each one float away through the air into their own space with God. It is just you and God in your space now. Bring your awareness to his presence.

  • Get in a position with God that feels grounded and comfortable, both feet on the ground.

  • Breathe in slowly. As we breathe in, we breathe in God: joy, harmony, peace.

  • Breathe out slowly. Breathe out distraction and any expectations that you may feel that others have of you right now.

  • Curl fingers upward in a grasping motion. In your mind, name your fears, worries, anxieties, and burdens.

  • Listen to your emotions. Let God speak to you in them.

  • Feel the weight of your burdens. It may feel like more than you can hold. Some may be much heavier than others. In this position, continue breathing as you feel the weight.

  • Turn your hands over. Let your burdens flow out to God. He is in control. Release them, let them go. God, I give you each burden. I know you have been carrying them all along and I release my attempts at trying to hold them.

    • …Continue breathing in this position as you imagine them flowing out of you.

  • Turn your palms upward. Having released your burdens, turn to God to fill that space with himself. God, I joyfully receive you. I receive your peace. Joy. Contentment. Acceptance. Delight. You flow into my hands, and through my body, you fill my heart. You fill my mind. You fill my whole self. You quiet me.You still me. You fill me with your life.

  • Now I sit in these moments of quiet, heart open to God. May I hear anything at all that you would like to speak to me. I sit in full delight and peace with you.



Release burdens and receive God

  • Look into the face of each person in the room with us and appreciate their amazing uniqueness.

  • Close your eyes to find your own space with God. He was here before you got here, waiting for this moment. He was with you as you got ready to come. He is around you and within you now.

  • As you find your own space, release each wonderful person in this room from your mind. Like a dandelion blown to the wind (or a beautiful, unique snowflake or a fall leaf), let each one float away through the air into their own space with God. It is just you and God in your space now. Bring your awareness to his presence.

  • Get in a position with God that feels grounded and comfortable, both feet on the ground.

  • Breathe in slowly. As we breathe in, we breathe in God: joy, harmony, peace.

  • Breathe out slowly. Breathe out distraction and any expectations that you may feel that others have of you right now.

  • Curl fingers upward in a grasping motion. In your mind, name your fears, worries, anxieties, and burdens.

  • Listen to your emotions. Let God speak to you in them.

  • Feel the weight of your burdens. It may feel like more than you can hold. Some may be much heavier than others. In this position, continue breathing as you feel the weight.

  • Turn your hands over. Let your burdens flow out to God. He is in control. Release them, let them go. God, we give you each burden. We know you have been carrying them all along and we release our attempts at trying to hold them.

    • …Continue breathing in this position as you imagine them flowing out of you.

  • Turn your palms upward. Having released our burdens we turn to God to fill that space with himself. God, we joyfully receive you. We receive your peace. Joy. Contentment. Acceptance. Delight. You flow into our hands, and through our bodies, you fill our hearts. You fill our minds. You fill our whole selves. You quiet us. You still us. You fill us with your life.

  • Now we sit in these moments of quiet, hearts open to God. May we hear anything at all that you would like to speak to us. We sit in full delight and peace with you.

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